
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sigh 50 is closing in.

I am going to be 50 soon. It is safe to say my life is half over with.

I have accomplished some wonderful things to show for my life so far.

1) I will be married for 27 years this Friday.

2) Zach - Son #1

3) Ben - Son #2

4) My love of hiking

But I have some not so wonderful things to show for my life so far.

1) The scale (i.e. my weight – no you don’t get a picture.)

2) I am not the healthy. My asthma is kicking my but lately. I have not had a physical in 2 years. I really need to find an allergist in Michigan.

I remember graduating from High School and being so full of hope and excitement for the future. I have to admit I lost that excitement over the years. The good news is that I think I have found it again. As I approach 50 I am anxious over the not so wonderful things in my life but more importantly I am excited.

I am excited to find out what I will accomplish the second half of my life. So my wish list for the second half of my life are as follows.

1) Help my children finish High School and College.

2) Grandbabies. I hesitate to list this one because it isn’t up to me. Plus, I hope to not get them anytime soon. However, I really hope I get them sometime in the next 50 years.

3) Work. I have a lot of options I am thinking about. I am debating on starting an Heirloom Vegetable farm. I am also trying my hand at writing. Finally, it would be really cool to start a backpacking adventure company and do guided hikes. I would like to specialize in hikes for women.

4) Be a runner.  I have always wanted to run. I don’t know what draws me to running but I have always been drawn to it. I have started and stopped running numerous times over my life. However, I have never truly felt that I could say “I am a runner.” Which now that I have started writing this I realize that is silly of me. I came to this conclusion when I was trying to determine the minimum goal that I would need to accomplish to feel like I was a runner. What popped in my head was that I needed to be able to run 3 miles. Well I use to do this on a regular basis. Does it matter if I was fat and slow? Looking back on it I realize no it didn’t. I was a runner. So I just need to start running and bam! I am a runner!

However, I would like to do the following.

1) Run a 5K

2) Run an 8k

3) Run a 10k

4) Run a half marathon

5) Run a marathon

6) Run an ultra-marathon

That is my wish list for the last half of my life.

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